Think Smart - Hire Flexible!

Stone Bridge Personnel Services helps you with all of your staffing needs.
We offer staffing for temporary, temp-to-hire, and permanent placements in the following industries:
Temporary Staff
Stone Bridge Personnel Services provides personnel support to companies who find themselves needing temporary staff due to expected and unexpected absences (vacations, illness, parental leave), special projects or peak-load work periods. Our temporaries include personnel with healthcare, accounting, clerical, marketing, secretarial, word processing and computer operations background. We also recruit for other positions, such as warehouse, industrial, and distribution, tailored to meet our client’s specific needs.
Stone Bridge Personnel Services incurs all employment costs and time required recruiting, advertising, testing and interviewing applicants. We are responsible for payroll taxes, payroll reports, benefits and training provided to our temporaries.
All our clients have to do is request a temporary employee to cover a specific number of days, weeks, or other periods as required (but no less than four (4) hours). Tell us the requirements for the position (skills, education, experience, etc.). We will select a qualified temporary and they report to work on the date and time specified by the client. On same day assignments, our temporaries can normally reach your location within one to two hours.
Temp-To-Perm Staff
Stone Bridge Personnel Services' temporary-to-permanent (“temp-to-hire”) program allows both the client and employee to evaluate each other before a commitment for permanent employment is made. At the end of this this period, the client and employee decide if permanent employment is in the best interest of both parties.
Stone Bridge Personnel Services incurs all payroll costs while the employee is on Stone Bridge's payroll. Client has the opportunity to review the work performance of a prospective employee without investing the usual costs of hiring (i.e., advertising, interviewing, testing, taxes, insurance, payroll and benefits).
When a client requests temp-to-perm the client agrees to keep employee for a possible permanent position, based on the job description and requirements, Stone Bridge Personnel Services will select the best qualified candidates for the client to interview. Typically, three qualified candidates are provided, but we will provide as many, or as few, as the client may request. In some cases, the client may wish to forego the interview process and rely strictly on our expertise and recommendations.
Permanent Staff
Stone Bridge Personnel Services specializes in personnel placement and provides permanent placement services to those clients who may wish to save time and money using the expertise of our staff to recruit and hire qualified employees.
Stone Bridge Personnel Services incurs all recruiting costs including advertising, testing, evaluating, interviewing and reference checking. We provide the expertise and time required to handle telephone inquiries, process applications and review candidate resumes. Stone Bridge also obtains documentation to ensure that each referred candidate is eligible to work in the United States. Clients benefit from our staff who is experienced in selecting only the most qualified candidates.
Client provides the job description and requirements for a permanent position. Based on this information, Stone Bridge will initiate a search to locate qualified candidates. We select and refer only the most qualified candidates to the client. Normally, one-to-three candidates are selected, however we will provide as many, or as few, as the client may desire. Once candidates are located, we will review the potential employees with our client and arrange interviews. We also offer assistance in determining compensation to ensure the right person is hired at an appropriate salary level.
When a decision is made, we continue to provide ongoing consultation to ensure both client and employee are completely satisfied with the placement.
PRN Staff
Stone Bridge Personnel Services offers PRN for our Medical Clients. Contracts are required in advance, but once it is signed clients can call anytime to request a CNA, CMA, LVN, RN, RT, OT, caregiver, etc. Our staff is on call 24/7 so there is no talking to a machine or answering service.
|  Industrial
|  Clerical
Contact us today to help you find the right person for the job!